
Hi! My name is Matt, and this is my little corner of the internet.

I am currently a PhD student in the Tetrad program at UCSF where I work in the Coyote-Maestas and Manglik Labs. Broadly, I develop and use high-throughput genetic screening platforms to study the effects of mutations on membrane proteins, primarily GPCRs, and how these effects propagate across multiple scales. This work is highly collaborative and interfaces with many disciplines including: structural biology & biophysics, cell signaling, high-throughput biochemistry, and various other “-omics.” If you’re interested to know more, please reach out!

Prior to UCSF, I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in May 2019 with degrees in chemistry and biology. As an undergraduate, and following graduation, I worked in Meredith Jackrel’s Lab in the Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis. In the lab, I worked to understand structure-function relationships in the disaggregase Hsp104 and investigated amyloid proteins involved in microbial biofilms.