February: Matt gives a poster talk at the 2025 Molecular Pharmacology GRS (Ventura, CA)
January: Jingyou’s Rosace-AA paper is out on BiorXiv
January: Matt gives an invited talk at the Variant Effects Seminar Series
January: Matt’s proton sensing GPCR paper is out in Cell
October: Mohsen’s codon foundation model paper is out on Biorxiv.
May: Jingyou’s Rosace paper is out in Genome Biology
April: Matt’s proton sensor paper is out on Biorxiv
March: Matt gives an invited talk at the 2024 Ligand Gating and Molecular Recognition GRS and a poster at the GRC (Ventura, CA)
March: Andy’s HTRA1 paper is out in Nature Communications
December: Ruth’s μOR-APEX paper is out on Biorxiv
October: Jingyou’s Rosace paper is out on Biorxiv
June: Matt presents a poster at the 2023 Membrane Protein Folding GRC
June: Matt is awarded the UCSF Julius R. and Patricia A. Krevans Fellowship
April: Matt presents ongoing work at the UCSF GPCR Supergroup monthly meeting (San Francisco, CA)
April: Matt’s paper from the Jackrel Lab studying the PSM⍺ peptides is accepted at mBio!
April: Matt gives an invited talk at the UCSF Cell Engineering & Synthetic Biology seminar series (San Francisco, CA)
January : Matt gives an invited short talk and poster presentation at the 2023 GPCR Workshop (Kona, HI) and is supported by the UCSF Graduate Division Travel Award
October: Matt gives a talk and poster presentation at the CZ Biohub Inter-lab Confab (San Francisco, CA)
October: Matt give a poster presentation on his work at the annual UCSF Tetrad retreat (Tahoe, CA)
June: Matt Joins the Willow Coyote-Maestas and Manglik Labs
April: 3rd rotation with the Mordes Lab
January: 2nd rotation with Willow Coyote-Maestas and the Manglik Lab
September: 1st lab rotation in the Fraser Lab
September: First day at UCSF!
April: Matt accepts an offer to join the Tetrad Program at UCSF!
January: Matt serves as a TA for Introduction to Biochemistry (Bio406)
March: COVID-19 starts to turn the world inside-out
March: Matt’s work on Hsp104 pore loops is published in PLOS One
November: Matt presents a poster at the Center for Science & Engineering of Living Systems (CSELS) meeting
May: Matt graduates from Washington University in St. Louis with majors in both Biology and Chemistry: concentration in Biochemistry
May: Matt receives the Lipkin Award for outstanding undergraduate research in chemistry
May: Matt receives the Outstanding PLTL Award for excellence in academic mentorship
April: Matt presents a poster on his work from the Jackrel Lab and another poster from his work in Bio4522 at the Undergraduate Research Symposium
November: Matt presents his work from the Jackrel Lab at the Undergraduate Research Symposium
August: Matt serves as a TA for General Biochemistry I (Chem481/Bio4810)
July: Matt attends the Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry Fraternity Conclave in Pittsburgh, PA
April: Matt received a BioSURF award to fund his summer research in the Jackrel Lab
August: Matt starts work as an undergraduate research assistant in the Jackrel Lab at Washington University in St. Louis
January: Matt starts work as a undergraduate research assistant in the Wayne Barnes Lab at the Washington University School of Medicine
August: Matt starts work as a General Chemistry (Chem111/112) Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Leader
June: Matt starts a summer research internship with the Carolinas Laparoscopic and Advanced Surgery Program (CLASP) at Carolinas Healthcare System
August: Matt starts his undergraduate degree at Washington University in St. Louis
June: Matt graduates from Providence Day School (Charlotte, NC)
March: Matt received an honorable mention by the Toshiba|NSTA Exploravision competition for his project “Utilizing an Automatically Titrating Therapeutic Oxygen Delivery Device (ATTODD) to Improve Individualized Patient Care”
June: Matt, Alex, and Christian win 1st at the state and regional level and travel to Washington, DC to compete for the national eCybermission title
February: Matt, Emily, and Alexander are invited to the White House Science Fair to present their eCybermission project on water filtration
June: Matt, Emily, and Alexander win 1st at the state and regional level and travel to Washington, DC to compete for the national eCybermission title